
Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Tiger friendship with Rat

On a night rat was walking around looking for food. He walked in the dense jungle dark night. A tiger (king of the jungle) are sleeping among the trees. Suddenly he woke up and caught the mouse. Apparently the rat accident and did not know that he was the king of the jungle skip (tiger). "Pardon my lord, I do not eat, I really do not accidentally skip master, let alone want to disrupt host is sleeping. Pity me, sir? Forgive me sir? ". The tiger off the mouse and he fled into the woods with full acknowledgments. So hungry tiger, then he walks around in the darkness to locate prey. Coincidentally that night there was a tiger hunters set traps with bait goat.
Of course with a keen sense of smell that tiger prey out there around him. The person who set the trap that goes away from the forest. Once the tiger saw the goat, then he pounced immediately. He did not know it was a trap in the form of a net. Moment fight to come he is holding his capture. And then tiger was felt that he had a trap he tried to escape from the trap. Of course in vain. Tiger was getting rolled by the nets and hard and discharging himself. He then roared with a vengeance, so that all the animals around the tiger heard the tiger's roar. The rat had come to hear him, and then he came and approached the king of the forest turns crying because he could not remove himself from the hunter's net. The rat will remember the kindness of the king of the jungle, which releases him from death that night. Of course he wanted to avenge his services. Mouse have been considered by that tiger as real correct friend. Then the tiger the enable that mouse to try to saving him. Then rat nipping the net little by little, finally the tiger has escape. Then the tiger compliment to the mouse, then they be friendship forever.

Moral Value:
True friendship is friendship helping others, no matter how small or low position a person must be a virtue.

The Difficult word:
1.    Among                      : Antara
2.   Suddenly                  : Tiba - tiba
3.   Apparently                : Rupanya
4.   Acknowledgments      : Ucapan terima kasih
5.   Coincidentally            : Berketepatan
6.   Hunter                      : Pemburu
7.   Vengeance                 : Balas dendam

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

" My Diary"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Today I am happy because I play guitar with my friends.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Today I feel sad, because I came home from school with hunger.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Today nothing memorable for me.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Today nothing memorable for me.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Today I am very happy to be able to go to church with lots of friends.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Today I am very sad, because my laryngitis disease relapse.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Today was a very unlucky day for me, because I fell off the bike.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Mejengkelkan this day for me, because my body was not feeling well.
Thrusday, October 18, 2012
Today was very tiring having band practice after school.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Today, nothing memorable.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Today I attended a parade band in Lumajang, though did not get get a champion, but still a memorable experience.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Today was a very tiring day for me, having band practice.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Starting now have band practice every school.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
No yan impressive today.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It hhari most memorable for me, because our band to perform at the school's birthday.

“Paseban Beach”

Paseban beach is a beautiful beach, from there we can see clearly barung island homeland. There were also lots of boats resting on the beach. Before heading to the beach. we were greeted by a dragon fruit trees and some pineapple trees around the road. There were also a lot of river fish. At the river we can fish as much.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Tugas BHS.Indonesia

46. Bacalah ilustrasi berikut ini dengan saksama!
Kegiatan kerja bakti sekolah yang direncanakan pada hari Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2011 usai pelajaran sekolah dimajukan pada hari Jumat, 22 Oktober 2011 usai pelajaran jam ke-3. Pengubahan rencana tersebut karena pada hari Sabtu ada rapat dewan guru.
Susunlah pengumuman sesuai dengan ilustrasi tersebut!
Jawab :                                                   PENGUMUMAN
        Saya beritahukan kepada seluruh warga sekolah, bahwa kegiatan kerja bakti sekolah yang direncanakan pada hari Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2011 usai pelajaran sekolah dimajukan pada hari Jumat, 22 Oktober 2011 usai pelajaran jam ke-3. Pengubahan rencana tersebut karena pada hari Sabtu ada rapat dewan guru.
Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
20 Oktober 2011

Santiko Crismondianaprila

48. Bacalah ilustrasi berikut ini dengan saksama!
Ini adalah pengalaman pertamamu datang terlambat ke sekolah. Ketika itu hari senin, 2 Oktober 2011. Kamu terpaksa mendapatkan poin pelanggaran dan karena saat itu ada upacara bendera kamu terpaksa berbaris sendirian.
Tulislah buku harian sesuai dengan ilustrasi!
Jawab : Senin, 02 Oktober 2011
                                  Terlambat Sekolah
      Ini adalah pengalaman pertamaku terlambat datang terlambat ke sekolah. Aku terpaksa mendapatkan poin pelanggaran dan terpaksa berbaris sendirian saat upacara bendera. Aku merasa sedih dan malu, karena seua teman – temanku melihatku. Aku juga berjanji, mulai sekarang aku tidak akan datang terlambat lagi.

49. Perhatiakan surat rumpang berikut ini!
Lumajang, 2 Juni 2011
Buat Yoga         +                                                                                                                                      di rumah
Salam kangen                                                        &nbrp;                                                                                                                                                                                       [. .1 . .]
Yo, libur semester nanti aku akan ke Bandung, ke rumah kakakku. Aku akn mampir ke rumahmu. Kamu tak ada acara pergikan? Nanti tolong aku diajak putar – putar kota Bandung, ya? Aku yakin kamu tidak keberatan, kan?
[. .2 . .]
Jawab : 1. Zaki
2. Ok, sekian dulu ya suratku, jangan lupa untuk segera dibalas! Kutunggu surat balasan darimu

Rabu, 16 November 2011


· Sumber Daya Ekonomi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memenuhi  kebutuhan hidup manusia, berupa barang atau uang.
· Sumber Daya Ekonomi di bagi menjadi  4 yaitu :                                                         

1.      Sumber Daya Alam
Adalah segala sesuatu yang disediakan oleh alam baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat diguanakan manusia dalam kegiatan memenuhi kebutuhan untuk mencapai kemakmuran.                                                                                                                     Contoh : Diperbaiki              : Tanah dan  air.                                                                                                                                                                      Tidak diperbaiki   : Bahan  tambang                                                         seperti batu                                                       bara, mineral.  Cara memanfaatkan             : Memupuk, mengelola,  merawat,menjaga dan mengairi

2.      Sumber Daya Manusia
Adalah segala kegiatan manusia baik fisik atau rohani yang ditunjukkan untuk keperluan produksi.   
Contoh                                       : Tenaga kerja                                                        rohani, tenaga kerja terdidik tenaga kerja tidak terdidik,                   dan tenaga kerjaterlatih.           
Cara memanfaatkan              : Berlatih lebih                                                          keras, berusaha                                                          lebih maju.

3.      Sumber Daya Modal
Adalah sumber daya yang dibuat oleh manusia baik berupa uang maupun barang dan digunakan untuk membantu kegiatan produksi.                                                               Contoh                             : Modal tetap, modal                                               lancar, modal                                               individu dan modal                                                asing.      
Cara memanfaatkan              : Menggunakan                                                         modal sesuai                                                          kebutuhan.

4.Sumber Daya Kewirausahaan      
       adalah semangat, sikap, dan perilaku        seseorang dalam menangani usaha atau        kegiatan ekonomi sehingga bisa menghasilkan        keuntungan.
       Contoh                       : memiliki mental kuat                                             dan pemberani, mampu                                             melihat peluang bisnis,                                             pandai memimpin                                             perusahaan.
       Cara memanfaatkan  : meningkatkan semangat                                            agar mendapat                                           keuntungan lebih banyak          

Tindakan ( Motif ) ekonomi

Tindakan( Motif ) Ekonomi
Motif mencari keuntungan
Pedagang , penjual
Motif mendapatkan kekuasaan ekonomi
Para pengusaha
Motif memperoleh penghargaan
Manajer atau pengusaha tetap
Motif ingin berbuat sosial
Menyantuni fakir miskin,membangun tempat ibadah, memberi bantuan kepada orang yang terkena musibah
Motif mencukupi kebutuhan hidup dan meningkatkan kemakmuran
Petani, penjual kue